Monday, May 24, 2010

Hiatus Week!

So last week was my one planned hiatus for my trip so far. I went to a wedding in New Orleans, but I also had a doctor's appointment scheduled in Atlanta.

So on Tuesday, I left Colorado Springs and flew to Atlanta. I had my doctor's appointment (and a haircut) on Wednesday, spent some time with friends and got some well-needed rest in my own bed, and then on Friday, flew to New Orleans.

Friday night, a friend of a friend met me in New Orleans. We went out for dinner and drinks, and then we went to Harrah's Casino where I got my first Texas Hold 'Em lesson! The next day, I went to Mark and Charlotte's wedding. Mark is an old friend of mine, from before college (we grew up in different towns in Texas, but met at All-State Band), and then we were in Plan II together at UT (That's Texas, not Tennessee, BTW). We've remained friends ever since, and I really like Charlotte, his new wife.

The wedding was beautiful, and the reception was fabulous. It was held at Latrobe's on Royal in the French Quarter, and the music, dancing, and liquor flowed freely for many hours. Better than that, though, was the fact that Mark and Charlotte looked so incredibly happy. I met many interesting people that night: friends of Mark's from college, and from his PhD program at Berkeley, friends of his from his living in Europe, and many of his colleagues, both American and European. I also met Charlotte's family, and they are as warm and friendly as she is. It was an outstanding crowd, and I really enjoyed everyone there.

Saturday night, I went out to dinner at Napoleon House, and then had drinks at the Carousel Bar, with Denise and Brent, two other UT grads, and with Kerry, a friend of Mark's from Paris -- and now I have new connections for my travels, which is great.

On Sunday, I flew back to Atlanta for one night, and spent the evening with Keith, a new friend who is house-sitting for me while I'm out of town. I'm really grateful that I met him -- he's taking great care of the house, and he's going to be a friend of mine for a long, long time.

So that's it -- Hiatus Week! It was really nice. Now, it's back to the road.

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